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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

World Peace Action

This is my first blog. Having said that, perhaps we can keep in mind that the trajectory of this piece is world peace and specifically how we as common ordinary people can promote this idea on a community and societal level. Currently, I am a member of the SGI-USA which is a Buddhist World Peace organization which originated in Japan. However, anyone who has a kindergarten understanding of religion knows that Buddhism originated in India with Shakyamuni Buddha. However, from India it traveled to China thanks to the venerable master of translation and philosophy Mr. Kummurajiva. From there, Buddhism traveled all over the orient and teachers like Chi-hi, Miao-lo, and Dengyo brought it to Japan where Nichiren Daishonin revealed how we human beings can use the Lotus Sutra to live supreme happy lives, vanquish one obstacle after another and transform ourselves into the developing spiritual athletes that we are.

The secret is prayer and action.

It is becoming evident to me that our society is fragmenting and degenerating at a frightening pace because our culture needs revitalization. Culture is the embodiment of our truths and ideals. It is what we pass to our children. Joseph Campbell was a noted anthropologist who said "That is a prime question, I would say of this hour in the bringing up of children. . . Both the teacher and the parent were on the side of an outdated illusion; and generally most guardians of society have a tendency in that direction asserting their authority not for, but against the search for disturbing truths. Such a trend has even turned up recently among social scientists and anthropologists with regard to discussions of race. And one can readily understand, even share in some measure, their anxiety, since lies are what the world lives on, and those who can face the challenge of a truth and build their lives to accord are finally not many, but the very few."

Therefore, I wish to continue my quest via this blog to "create" discussions which can lead to community and societal action for purposes of promoting our message of World Peace.

Some of my thoughts have been public presentations of music, art, poetry and street theater imbued with our message of peace. If you are interested, join the discussion and activities. Nothing is impossible.


  1. Hola Francisco,

    Great leap into the future! Can you direct us to where we can experience some of your music, art, poetry (and maybe even street theater)?

    - Lynette Yetter, author of the novel, Lucy Plays Panpipes for Peace

  2. Francisco, this is wonderful, although the imagery of fire and cannibalism was pretty Daliesque. I love Joseph Campbell's work and wrote an article in the Living Buddhism on that topic. In film school, I chose Campbell's "The Hero with a Thousand Faces" to shape my characters and their journey.
    I definitely agree that our culture needs to be revitalized; I believe that many of us are called upon precisely for this reason.

    Congratulations on your blog.

